Savings, CDs, IRAs, MMs

Savings Rates

Savings & Club Accounts (Minimum Deposit $25)

Editor Placeholder

Arrha Plus Checking Account

Editor Placeholder

Share Draft Account

Editor Placeholder

Money Market Share Account

Editor Placeholder

Share Certificates** (Minimum Deposit $1,000.00)

Editor Placeholder

IRA Savings Accounts (Traditional & Roth) Minimum Deposit $25

Editor Placeholder

Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (Minimum Deposit $25)

Editor Placeholder

Annual Percentage Rates and Annual Percentage Yields may change daily.

**The Annual Percentage Yield on Certificates is based on an assumption that dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. A withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings. We will impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the principal before the maturity date. The amount of the early withdrawal penalty for Certificates with a maturity of one year or less is 90 days worth of dividends. The amount of the early withdrawal penalty for Certificates with a maturity greater than one-year is equal to 180 days worth of dividends.

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